
Welcome to Arcticon LLC, your strategic compass in the vast, dynamic world of startups and entrepreneurship. As pioneers in management consulting, we are your beacon in the wilderness, empowering visionaries like you with the tools, insights, and mentorship to succeed in your startup journey.

Antonio Pisante

At the helm of this voyage is Antonio Pisante, an accomplished navigator in the startup landscape. With a storied career filled with startup success stories, Antonio leverages his comprehensive knowledge and extensive network to guide entrepreneurs in materializing their dreams into reality.


Arcticon LLC specializes in startup mentorship, management, and fundraising, tailoring solutions to meet the unique needs of every business. No matter the challenge, our mission remains constant - turning every vision into a tangible, successful enterprise.


Arcticon LLC specializes in startup mentorship, management, and fundraising, tailoring solutions to meet the unique needs of every business. No matter the challenge, our mission remains constant - turning every vision into a tangible, successful enterprise.


Services offered at Arcticon include mentorship for early-stage entrepreneurs, strategic startup management, and effective fundraising tactics.